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HubSpot’s partner peer-to-peer networking program.

Partner User Groups (PUGs)

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What are Partner User Groups?


Partner User Groups, affectionately referred to as PUGs, are HubSpot’s peer-to-peer networking groups for partners, by partners. PUGs are open to solution partners, providers, and app partners! In your PUG, you’ll meet partners who face similar challenges to you — whether that’s hiring through phases of uncertainty, creating efficient org charts, or selling and servicing HubSpot. Collaborate on new ways to crush a challenge at your business, all while making meaningful connections in the partner community.

Each small group, curated by HubSpot, has up to 20 partners in similar roles and regions. A PUG Champion is selected to organize and lead these groups through virtual monthly meetups. Members also have the opportunity to connect online through a private PUGs Community board. AND THERE WILL BE SUPER PUGS!

What are Super PUGs?

New this year! HubSpot will be hosting in-person, regional meet-ups for PUG members to continue to solidify their connections. As a benefit to being active in your PUG, you'll receive exclusive invites to these events to meet other partners participating in PUGs (and HubSpotters) in your region. More details to come later in the year.

What’s the Role of a PUG Member?

Attend each virtual monthly meeting.
Actively participate in discussions and contribute ideas on how to solve problem-based topics.

Be active in the PUGs Community space.

Connect at HubSpot-sponsored in-person Super PUG events in your respective region.

What's the Role of a PUG Champion?

Plan monthly meetings, including topic selection and scheduling.
Host monthly meetups and facilitate conversations between partners.
Share a debrief on the meeting in the PUGs Community space, and engage with members.

Who's a Good Fit to Apply?

A good fit for a PUG Member is someone who meets the following criteria:

  • Is active and in good standing with HubSpot.
  • Is committed to attending and participating in meetings.
  • Is eager to connect and network with other partner peers in similar roles.

A good fit for a PUG Champion is someone who meets the following criteria:

  • Is committed to scheduling, planning, and debriefing each meeting on the private Community board.
  • Has previous experience in HubSpot programs (i.e. PAC, Project Lion, HUGs, etc.)
  • Is comfortable leading and facilitating conversations.
  • Eager to engage and network with partners through our community board.
  • Brings a diverse perspective and represents the increasing diversity of our partners.

Apply to be in a PUG

Applications for 2024 Partner User Groups (members and PUG Champions) are now open!
Apply here! The deadline to apply has been extended to March 22.
Previously, the Partner User Group program ran in six-month cohorts and applications were open twice a year. For 2024, applications will only open once and the established groups will run until the end of the year.

Frequently Asked Questions

Applications will be reviewed once a year. PUGs are grouped by their role and region. If there aren’t enough applicants in a certain role (i.e. sales/account rep, owner/CEO, etc) or region, then a group won’t be created. PUG Champion applications are carefully reviewed by the HubSpot team and selected to lead one of these groups.

PUG meetings are held monthly over the course of the year for at least one hour each. PUG members are expected to come prepared to each meeting with ideas and talking points based on the predetermined topic. PUG Champions are expected to commit extra time to determine topics, and schedule and host these meetings. There will also be one to two in-person Super PUG meetups for Champions and members to connect.

PUGs have their own private space in the Community for partners to collaborate, have discussions, pose questions, share resources, and network with other groups outside of monthly meetings.

All partners and providers, regardless of tier or role in the company, are encouraged to apply. Please note, that we group PUG members on the individual level, not your company. Said another way, you as an individual are expected to attend each meetup — team member substitutions are not recommended. 

The PUGs team will email you after we have reviewed your application, and we will let you know if you have been grouped in a PUG or selected to be a PUG Champion.

Yes! This is a growing program, and we try to group every partner into a PUG. If there is not enough interest in your role or location when you initially applied, we highly encourage you to apply again next year. Previous PUG Champions can reapply to be another PUG's champion or general member.

All PUGs are hosted in English by default. However, if there's enough interest in a different language, we will try to group those individuals.

Applications will close on March 22.

PUGs are open to all solutions partners, app partners, and providers!