SSO providers have strong security built in. Think: advanced two factor authentication, stringent password expiration requirements, password length criteria, and more. Implementing SSO with HubSpot, you can add those extra security layers to every HubSpot login by requiring your users to log in with SSO.
How many of your help desk calls are related to password resets? With SSO, accounts are easy for systems administrators to manage. Simply add your users to your HubSpot account, and manage their security through your SSO provider. Fewer calls for administrators means time and money saved. With the exclusions feature, you can make sure that important users who may not have credentials on your SSO provider can still do their work in HubSpot.
No more remembering fifteen passwords to enter throughout the day, all with their own length, complexity, and expiration requirements. One password to rule them all means your employees spend less time managing lost credentials, and more time helping your business grow.
Sign up for a free demo to see how HubSpot works with SSO.